Batman Begins Limited Edition 1/10 Statue

Strovolos, Nicosia,

Added: 24 May. 2022, at 13:53
| Ad ID number: #946 | Ad Views: 1518

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Condition: New


Birth of the Dark Knight

Overwhelmed by Bruce Wayne, after the death of his parents, he looks for a way to fight injustice and villains in his city. After returning to declining Gotham, he decides to restore order and end the injustice. He invents a secret identity and his symbol becomes a bat. Thus is born Batman as a force for good in Gotam City. In a new disguise and with the help of local police officer Jim Gordon, he sets out to fight the sinister forces threatening the city.

From the DC universe comes this 1/10th scale statue!
The Polystone statue measures approx. 31 x 18 x 9 cm and comes with matching base.

- Limited edition
- Hand painted

Title: Batman
Category: Statues
Approx. Height (Cm): 31
Material: Polystone
Art Scale: 1/10
Age: 14+

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