The Lord of the Rings: Mini Statue - Saruman The White

Strovolos, Никосия,

Добавлено: 24 мая 2022, в 14:04
| Номер объявления: #951 | Просмотров: 991

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Объявление от: Бизнес
Условие: Новый


Dimensions:4.33" x 7.44" x 4.33" (W x H x D) 11 cm x 18.9 cm x 11 cm
Weight:1.08 lbs (0.494 kg)
Lured by promises of power and dark thoughts of his own mastery, Saruman fell from his purpose and abandoned his allies. In his arrogance he believed himself capable of usurping Sauron’s place. Even as he did his new master’s bidding, the corrupted Wizard plotted a second betrayal. Yet in doing so he overreached, for pride and lust for power had blinded Saruman and the Eye of Sauron perceived his treachery through the lens of the palantir. The downfall of Saruman, once the leader of the White Council, was doomed to be written in blood.
Expertly sculpted by Gary Hunt, a member of the original Lord of the Rings crew

Title: The Lord Of The Rings
Category: Statues
Approx. Height (Cm): 20
Material: Polystone
Age: 17+

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